great movie, i hope to see more frum you soon
great movie, i hope to see more frum you soon
this was a good flash, it scared the crap out of me when he went AAAAAAA
yet the credits flew by to fast for me to see.. try making them slower next time.. i hope to see more shorts frum you soon! :D
There are too much credits and not enough flash nowadays in my opinion. I try to keep mine as subliminal as possible.
You can get all the credit infomation from this here movie infomation page. I made it, thats it =O
it stinksd cause this was at the throne of newgrounds for justa little bit
this was fuunny, especially at the part with the guy taking a dumpp.. LOL.. the only problem was the graphics were sumtimes a little sub par
great flash
this is a great submission, nothing gets repetitive at all, a flash with no jokes continusly reapeted over and over is good,
overall, great flash, i hope to see decline 4 soon, ive been waiting a while
I have to say, that must have been some good Sylvester K's
That was good but you should have put subtitles cause i could only under stand aboput 3/4 of what they were saying.
Overall i think it deserves to be here though
this is the weirdest thing i have every seen
after watching all of your salad fingerz episodes, its the weirdest thang i have ever seen, that doesnt meen its bad, its actually great. i hope you make more.... this is goin in my favs
THis is a pritteh awesome movie, except if you lisen to that kill bill music long enough, you wanna kill sum1.. Interactivity because of the play and replay buttonz, great graphics, you have really improved
violence, not blood, but it was pretty much all fightin, i liked it
Goombas are better than you. at everything
That was sooooo stupid.. i liked the lazer vision part and his expression when the doorbell rings. hahaha.. that was pretty amazing.. you should do a talk show about the making of the movie with the characters. and have dad perform "random acts of violence"
This is going in my favorites
That was pretty funny. I am against ebaum. but i have to go there to get sound boards to prank phone people.. did one actually sing that song or something
that was wicked. tis going into my favorites
P.S tell me where those sound boards came from if ya know!
hey guys, the chaos crew is working on an intro video, and im working on totally random quiz 4 for your enjoyment, thats pretty much all thats going on right now.....
Age 36, Male
Joined on 10/17/05